Download The Balanced Board Planner™

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In this FREE Planner, you will discover:

✅ Examples of board turnover issues and how they are impacting organizations like yours everyday!

✅ How to use the Board Contribution Curve to ensure that your board is completely balanced.

✅ The things your organization should be doing in order to maintain a balanced board and prepare for turnover!

Make Sure Your Board is Balanced!

it is important to plan ahead for director turnover at your organization. But most boards don’t realize that they aren’t balanced.

I’m Yvonne Evers, founder and CEO of SUCCESSIONapp, LLC I have coached many boards on succession planning. This is my passion! I want organizations to be ready for the future. And the future includes a lot of turnover on organization’s board of directors.

With The Balanced Board Planner™, you’ll discover the things your organization should be doing in order to maintain a balanced board and prepare for your future!

This powerful planner has helped my clients ensure that they are prepared for the future! Make sure you aren’t missing out on this incredible resource!

Yvonne Evers Founder and CEO

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